13  Operations on functions

\[ \newcommand{\dnorm}{\text{dnorm}} \newcommand{\pnorm}{\text{pnorm}} \newcommand{\recip}{\text{recip}} \]

Reading questions

Reading question 13.1 Which of the following topics from the traditional high-school algebra curriculum is a form of zero finding?

The binomial theorem.

Factoring a polynomial to find the roots.


Completing the square.

question id: zero-finding-topic

Reading question 13.2 What does the R/mosaic argM() function do?

Finds zeros of a function.

Negates the function.

Finds local minima and maxima

Reverses the roles of the function’s input (“argument”) and output.

question id: argM-does-what

Reading question 13.3  

  1. What form of output does the function argM() produce?
A function       A graphic       A data frame       A tilde expression      

question id: operator-outputs-1

  1. What form of output does the function Zeros() produce?
A function       A graphic       A data frame       A tilde expression      

question id: operator-outputs-2

  1. What form of output does the function Iterate() produce?
A function       A graphic       A data frame       A tilde expression      

question id: operator-outputs-3

Reading question 13.4 Iterate the function \(g(z) \equiv 0.1 z\) by hand for 4 steps, starting at \(z_0 = 1000\).

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