2  Notation

\[ \newcommand{\dnorm}{\text{dnorm}} \newcommand{\pnorm}{\text{pnorm}} \newcommand{\recip}{\text{recip}} \]

Reading questions

Reading question 2.1 The reading does not include the word “equation.” But think about the way you used equations in high-school algebra. How does the symbol \(\equiv\) differ in meaning from the symbol \(=\).

They are the same.

The symbol \(\equiv\) is used to give a name to a mathematical object.

question id: equiv-eq

Reading question 2.2 Consider the definition \(h(t) \equiv a + b\ t\). In the following, we’ll ask you to identify the various parts appearing in the definition. Choose from

  1. a formula
  2. the name of a function
  3. a parameter
  4. the name of the input to the function
  1. What kind of thing is h()?
a       b       c       d      

question id: def-1

  1. What kind of thing is \(a + b\ t\)?
a       b       c       d      

question id: def-2

  1. What kind of thing is \(t\)?
a       b       c       d      

question id: def-3

  1. What kind of thing is \(b\)?
a       b       c       d      

question id: def-4

Reading question 2.3 The reading mentions a convention where letters from the early part of the alphabet are used for parameters. But we will often use parameters that are more description, for example “\(T_{ambient}\)” for the ambient temperature.

Explain how, by reading the definition of a function, you can distinguish between the elements of the formula that are inputs and the elements that are parameters.

question id: inputs-vs-parameters

Reading question 2.4 I need to break you of the bad habit about calling so many different mathematical things “equations.” So, for this academic quarter, whenever I use the word “equation,” I want you to shout, “EQUATION.” It shouldn’t happen very often in STM1001.

I agree to do this.       Do I have to?      

question id: shout-equation

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