7  Data, functions, graphics

\[ \newcommand{\dnorm}{\text{dnorm}} \newcommand{\pnorm}{\text{pnorm}} \newcommand{\recip}{\text{recip}} \]

Reading questions

Reading question 7.1 What is the name given in the Reading for an array of rows and columns holding data?

data record       data table       data frame       data array       Just plain “data”      

question id: rows-columns

Reading question 7.2 Which of these is used as the generic name for a column?

variable       unknown       measurement       instance      

question id: variable-name

Reading question 7.3 Which R/mosaic function is used to plot data?

plot()       data_plot()       gf_point()       scatter()       scatter_plot()      

question id: plot-data

Reading question 7.4 There is a kind of punctuation in R used to link together two functions, for example,

          gf_point(...) |> slice_plot(...)

What is the name of the |> punctuation?
“connector”       “followed by”       “pipe”       “channel”       “culvert”      

question id: punctuation

Reading question 7.5 A trivia question that you can look up in the Reading: What is the displacement for the Webra Speedy internal combustion engine?

0.9 cc       1.8 cc       2.5 cc       3.4 cc      

question id: webra-speedy

Reading question 7.6 Run the code in in Active R chunk 7.1. It is the same as that used for an example in the chapter.

Active R chunk 7.1

What is it about the data points that tells us stroke_model is not an exact representation of the data?

question id: engines-power-law

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