Stats for Data Science
An MAA mini-course at JMM 2020, Daniel Kaplan

Summarizing a relationship with a function

We’ll start with models with a single degree of flexibility, that is \(^\circ{\cal F} = 1\). This includes all the settings covered in most introductory stats courses.

Degrees of flexibility more generally. Explain why “degrees of freedom” is harder than degress of flexibility. You can count degrees of flexibility.

Activity 2: Showing relationships

Return to the sheet used in Activity 1.

  • Draw an appropriate function that describes the relationship between the explanatory variable(s) and the response variable.
  • Estimate numerically the effect size with respect to the x-axis variable. (There might also be a covariate, in which case the effect size with respect to the x-axis may depend on the covariate.)

MAA mini-course evaluation