More details below …
How can we make computing accessible to everyone, both practically and intellectually?
Practical: Browser-based applications, web apps
Intellectual: Define a small set of essential, high-level skills.
y ~ x + z
and visualize it with (1).
y ~ 1
and y ~ 1 + x
But I’m not sure that connectivity here will be adequate.
## 2. Evaluate and find effect size
Written by me in part to support the project, and in part for my own purposes. Almost all the Little Apps are centered around the display of data and the ability of students to explore multiple response and explanatory variables.
A prototype of a new format, suitable for mobile devices, was written to display the F-based inference calculations that are at the core of this workshop.
BOAST is the Book of Apps for Statistics Teaching. Chapters contain a large number of apps with demonstrations, formative assessment (presented as games). It’s a lovely resource for exploring diverse statistical concepts. The Little Apps seem austere by comparison.
Written by Dan Adrian at Grand Valley State University. These are also written in R/Shiny.
The system developed for the Lock-5 book. These emphasize resampling. The apps are written in JavaScript which makes them fast but doesn’t let them use the extensive facilities of R.
A few StatKey apps are about the display of data: here, here, and here.
Let me know.
These provide, using only a browser, a document with a narrative integrated with complete R sessions. They are not difficult to write for the experienced author of RMD documents; you can copy and customize many available examples such as provided by the online documentation For I have written a set to help instructors get started with R. For instance:
Our experience at is that most instructors find this an easy and pleasant way to get started with R. Nonetheless, many instructors are uncomfortable using interactive computations in front of a classroom, and so the biggest impact has been helping instructors realize that they could learn to use R in teaching if they had sufficient motivation, time, and support. In particular, support is needed to move on to the next level of computing, …
For many years, we were limited to having students conjure up software commands essentially from scratch. For experienced or talented programmers, this is feasible. It’s made more feasible by having students adopt a good workflow that causes them to record their commands and thereby enables them incrementally to work toward a working system. The RMarkdown system in RStudio is an excellent example of this.
For using a blank canvas approach in a classroom, it’s strongly recommended that you use for your students.
It may be that I am overreaching in saying this … You will greatly leverage your own and your students’ abilities to work reproducibly and reliably and to collaborate if you use R in conjunction with git and the GitHub cloud service. In addition to serving as a version control system, it also makes it easy to create and deploy web sites. For instance, the site you are reading now is provided via GitHub.
A nice introduction to git is provided by Jenny Bryan of the University of British Columbia and RStudio. Hicks and Irizarry describe the use of git (and many other topics) in their Guide to Teaching Data Science. See also Ben Baumer’s A data science course for undergraduates.