Chapter 14 Remember, inference isn’t everything

Study design, sampling bias, etc.

14.1 Techniques when “degrees of freedom” are unknown, as with machine learning methods.

Bateson, W., E.R. Saunders, and R.C. Punnett. 1905. “Experimental Studies in the Physiology of Heredity.” Reports to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society 2: 1–55, 80–99.

Diez, David, Christopher Barr, and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel. 2014. Introductory Statistics with Randomization and Simulation.

Ismay, Chester, and Albert Y. Kim. 2019. Statistical Inference via Data Science: A Moderndive into R and the Tidyverse. CRC Press.

Kahane, CJ. 2017. “Fatality Reduction by Seat Belts in the Center Rear Seat and Comparison of Occupants’ Relative Fatality Risk at Various Seating Positions.” DOT HS 812 369. US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Lock, Robin H., Patti Frazer Lock, Kari Lock Morgan, Eric F. Lock, and Dennis F. Lock. 2017. Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data. 2nd ed. Wiley.

Tintle, Nathan, Beth L. Chance, Soma Roy, George W. Cobb, Allan J. Rossman, Todd Swanson, and Jill VanderStoep. 2016. Introduction to Statistical Investigations. Wiley.