Working Schedule, June 12-14, 2013


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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Noon-1:00: Opening lunch at Prince Conference Center, Introductions

Sessions will take place in Building 128, refreshments will be in the adjoining Reading Room. Times of sessions are an approximation and will be adjusted as necessary.

1:15-3:00: Session 1, Data and Display Travelogue

Our colleagues from Macalester will take us on a highlight tour of the types of data sets and graphical display methodologies used in their one-hour intro course for science students.

3:00-3:15: Coffee break

3:15-5:00: Session 2, RStudio Test Drive

Now it's your turn. By the end of this session, each participant will have created a simple R Markdown (.Rmd and .Rpres) document in RStudio. To get you ready, we'll take you on a guided tour of the main components of RStudio and show how to do some basic things with data (load it in, take a quick look at its structure, make a numerical or graphical summary, etc.)

5:00-5:45: Open Work Time

We will end each day with open work time. This will be mostly unstructured time for you to ask questions or work on individual projects.

Don't head to dinner tonight until you have identified a discipline-specific dataset or example question as the focus of your slide presentation tomorrow (session 5). Once you have determined your topic, you can begin working on that or you can get some additional practice with RStudio.

6:00-7:00: Dinner at Prince Conference Center

After: Relax, walk in the Nature Preserve, join others at a pub nearby, etc.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

8:30-10:00am: Session 3, Relational Data

Participants will learn how to create new data sets from existing data sets by grouping, subsetting, and merging and to create graphical outputs (e.g., scatterplots, maps, etc.) from the resulting data sets.

10:00-10:30: Coffee break

10:30-Noon: Session 4, Work on Slides

Noon-1:00: Lunch

1:00-2:00: Session 5a, Slide Show Part I Each participant will present 2-4 slides using R Markdown that show an example of a data set or question of interest.

2:00-2:30: Break/Work/Debriefing

For those who have not yet presented, this can be a chance to finish up slides – perhaps stealing some ideas from the slide shows already presented. It's also a chance to find out more about the ideas that have been presented.

2:30-3:30: Session 5b, Slide Show Part II

The rest of the slide shows.

3:30-3:45: Coffee break

3:45-5:00: Session 6, Birds of a Feather

This is chance to have follow-up discussions with people interested in similar aspects and/or applications of computation and visualization.

5:00-5:45: Open Work Time

Review and use RStudio to generate graphics or to work on getting data set of interest imported and/or analyzed.

6:00-7:00: Dinner

After: Relax, walk in the Nature Preserve, join others at a pub nearby, etc.

Friday, June 14, 2013

8:30-10:00am: Session 7, Modeling techniques

Topics will include notions of best fit, computational tools for computing best fit, confidence intervals for fitted parameters and trees/clustering

Notes from DCF on model functions, and clustering, and supervised partitioning models.

10:00-10:30: Coffee break

10:30-Noon: Session 8, Work Time

Continue working with your data (small-group consulations available)

Noon-1:00: lunch

1:00-3:15: Session 9, Planning for Next Steps

Discussion to determine

3:15-3:30: Coffee break

3:30-4:30: Wrap-up/depart