Welcome to CVC Workshop 2013

R Pruim

Some Important Things

CVC Workshop Goals

  1. Shop

  2. Work

  3. Play


  • Hear from others what they are doing/thinking about doing
  • See some glimpses of the DCF course at Macalester
    • concrete example
    • context for learning
    • context for discussion
    • inspiration


  • Determine what sorts of things will work on your campus
  • Work together to create some materials and plans for local implementation
  • Identify common obstacles and strategies to overcome them
  • Provide feedback/inspiration for other institutions


  • Presentation consisting of 1-3 slides

    • using R Markdown
    • identify example data setting or question of interest
    • presented Thursday afternoon [more about schedule shortly]
  • Graphical displays of intersting data settings

  • Feedback on DCF course at Macalester

Outline of Today

  • Session 1a: Welcome and Introduction
  • Session 1b: Travelogue – DCF course at Macalester
    • Examples showing what sorts of things are happening there
  • Break
  • Session 2: RStudio Test Drive
    • Tour of the IDE (integrative development environment)
    • Brief introduction to arithmetic, data, graphs, etc.
    • RMarkdown

Outline of Today

  • Open work time: 4:45-5:45

Identify a discipline-specific dataset or example question as the focus of your 1-3 slide presentation tomorrow (session 5).

  • Dinner at 6pm at Prince Conference Center

Full schedule of workshop