Intro Stats Rethought
USCOTS 2023 Workshop with Danny Kaplan
Workshop Schedule
Before the workshop …
Session I: May 30 afternoon
Hunting for clutter (for reference, participant’s contributions to assignment 1 and assignment 2)
2:30 - 3:00pm: Break (with snacks)
3:00pm: Reconvene
Computing practice. All you need is a browser, but you are also welcome to work in RStudio if you have it installed.
4:30: Adjourn
Session II: May 31 morning
8:30am: Back to work
Optional: Computing set up
10:00 - 10:30am: Break (with snacks)
12:00pm: Recess for lunch
Session III: May 31 afternoon
1:00pm: Wednesday’s child: Hypothesis testing
2:30 - 3:00pm: Break (with snacks)
- Composing a coherent course
4:30pm Adjourn