use a web browser to access the RStudio server being provided for this workshop at You will need login credentials which will be provided at the start of the workshop. (N.B., this server will be available only for the duration of USCOTS 2015. We will show you how to preserve your files for later use on another system.)
Whichever way you access R and RStudio, please
update and install additional packages, by executing these lines in the R console in RStudio:
Open up communal notes for workshop. Link to Google Doc Add comments and questions as the workshop progresses.
Participant skill survey (for forming teams). Link to survey. After you press "submit", you'll see a page with a link to "Edit your response." Open that in your browser and leave it open so that you can fill in your team name when you have formed it.
Introduce your neighbors, and form teams for workshop activities. Follow the instructions, here. Two to three people per team, with a nice mix of skills. Give your team a name so that we can refer to it. [15 min]
RStudio Quick Start
mosaic resources
panes, tabs, console
Lead through opening a project. open a project
loading packages, install if necessary
bringing in data from a package
Data frames. We'll work with ones from mosaicData, DCF, and nycflights13 to begin with. Variables and cases. Quick summaries: glimpse(), nrow(), names(), head()
Simple to moderately complicated data wrangling tasks in the context of bike rentals in thw Washington, DC area. For quick browsing, here's the HTML file. But work with the .Rmd as shown.
Download and edit the .Rmd template file. Copy and paste these commands into your R console.
Make sure to compile the unchanged file to HTML. It's best to start with a working document then add small changes, recompile, fix errors as required, add more small changes, recompile, and so on.