Working Schedule, July 7-11, 2014


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Arrival and opening dinner


  1. Welcome
    1. Paul Overvoorde
    2. Goals and outline for the week
  2. Introductions
    1. Activity: Split up into groups of three or four and introduce yourselves. For each person, another person should write a short bio (or other introductory information). Use this Google Doc.
  3. A First Case Study

  4. RStudio orientation

  5. Less Volume, More Creativity – An R Quick Start

  6. RMarkdown
    1. Creating PDF/HTML/Word documents in RStudio
    2. TISE paper by Baumer et al
    3. Activity: Write and publish a description of some straightforward, data-oriented topic you’d like to present in class.
      • Include at least 1 plot (even if unrelated) to make sure you know how to do that.
  7. How to organize your data
    1. Canonical format: tables, cases and variables, variable types, codebook
    2. Separate analysis from data storage.
    3. Activity: The spreadsheet here contains data on the Minneapolis 2013 election by ward and precinct. Identify the elements of this spreadsheet that are not in standard form for a data table.
    4. Activity: Enter data in this spreadsheet indicating types of data you are interested in.


  1. Working with data
    1. taking a look at data
    2. getting data into R
    3. important data operations using dplyr
    4. merging data from multiple sources (joining)
    5. getting data out of R
  2. The graphics-data interface
    1. graphing concepts: slides
    2. introduction to ggplot2 slides



  1. Visualizing some data operations. Link to app
  2. Joining in R
  3. Thinking about data operations.

  4. Parallel hour-long workshops
    1. Teaching with R
    2. ggplot2 slides
    3. Shiny


  1. Welcome new-comers

  2. Work session with consultations and collaboration


  1. How to find what you need link to notes
    1. Google
    2. CRAN task views
    3. installing packages (CRAN, github, files)
    4. documentation and vignettes
  2. A Small exercise on dplyr Instructions here

  3. Work Sessions

  4. Presentations/Group discussions on topics, as needed
    1. Accessing data from Google’s BigQuery using SQL in R
    2. Scraping and Cleaning Data from the web
    3. Github and RStudio


  1. Presentations/Group discussions on topics, as needed
    1. Modeling with R
  2. Work Sessions

  3. Presentations/Group discussions on topics, as needed

  4. Progress Reports & Debriefing
    • How do we carry the momentum back to our home institutions?