To help you see what’s going on in some of the dplyr operations, Barbara Borges Ribiero has written some interactive “apps.” Here’s a (non-interactive) picture of one.


Before you start

This app uses the shiny package in R. (You don’t need to know anything about shiny.)


The Three Apps


Give this command on the RStudio Server or a Mac Desktop running R locally. If you are on a PC the name should be "joinpc".

shiny::runGitHub("shiny", "bborgesr", subdir = "join")


On all platforms:

shiny::runGitHub("shiny", "bborgesr", subdir = "group")

Interactive Rmd Editing

shiny::runGitHub("shiny", "bborgesr", subdir = "rmd")

This will open a file browser. If you are on the server, it may be hidden behind your web browser, so look there.

The heart of this app is from Yihui Xie.