In today’s activity, you are going to deconstruct some graphics and carry out some data wrangling operations.1 Remember to load the DataComputing
package: library(DataComputing)
A representation of some of the variables from the CPS85 data table in the mosaicData package.
Variables from the NCHS data table in the DataComputing package. The yes' and
no’ refers to whether the person is pregnant.
Considering each of the above graphics in turn, figure out:
Here is the basic structure of the commands for making the graphics. You can try various combinations of the variables appearing in the graphics and see which graphic you think is the most informative.
ggplot(data = CPS85, aes(x = ????, y = ????, color = ????)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap( ~ ????)
ggplot(data = NCHS, aes(x = ????)) + geom_density(aes(color = ????)) + facet_wrap(~ ???)
Put the R statement that generates each graph into your report so that the graphs appear when you compile your .Rmd
Refer to the diamonds
data table in the ggplot2
package. Take a look at the codebook (using help()
) so that you’ll understand the meaning of the tasks. (Motivated by Garrett Grolemund.)
Each of the following tasks can be accomplished by a statement of the form
diamonds %>%
verb1( args1 ) %>%
verb2( args2 ) %>%
arrange(desc( args3 )) %>%
head( 1 )
For each task, give appropriate R functions or arguments to substitute in place of verb1
, verb2
, args1
, args2
, and args3
Which color diamonds seem to be largest on average (in terms of carats)?
Which clarity of diamonds has the largest average “table” per carat?
Using the Minneapolis2013
data table, answer these questions. summarise()
, group_by()
, and tally()
will be useful in answering the questions.
How many cases are there?
Who were the top 5 candidates in the Second
vote selections.
choice selections?Second
choice selections?Third
choice selections?What are the top 3 Second
vote selections among people who voted for Betsy Hodges as their first choice?
Which Precinct
had the highest fraction of First
vote selections marked as “undervote”? (To calculate the fraction, use mean(First == "undervote")
in the argument to summarise()