See the str_view()
and str_view_all()
widgets in version 1.1 of stringr.
Pull out 100,000 names from BabyNames
, adding up the totals over the years by sex. Call this NameList
NameList <-
BabyNames %>%
group_by(name, sex) %>%
summarise(total = sum(count))
Interactive site for testing expressions:
With just one pattern to match, use stringr::str_extract()
What are the most common vowels, by sex
NameList %>%
mutate(vowel = stringr::str_extract(name, "([aeiou]+)$")) %>%
group_by(sex, vowel) %>%
summarise( total = sum(total) ) %>%
arrange(sex, desc(total)) %>%
spread(key=sex, total)
## # A tibble: 92 × 3
## vowel F M
## * <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 a 45710854 594191
## 2 aa 8827 572
## 3 aai 80 NA
## 4 ae 268561 37868
## 5 aea 452 NA
## 6 aee 45 35
## 7 aeo NA 270
## 8 ai 52462 79942
## 9 aia 25078 579
## 10 aie 420 15
## # ... with 82 more rows
With multiple patterns, use tidyr::extract()