Untidy data case study: Walmart store closings

Data Computing

[This example is based on a presentation given by David Radcliffe at the Twin Cities R Users’ Group meeting at Macalester College in February 2016. See his slides]. ]

On January 15, 2016, the retailing giant Walmart announced the closing of 154 stores in the US. Walmart published a list of the stores at the web site given below.

The list looks like this:

Snapshot of the list from the Walmart web site.

Snapshot of the list from the Walmart web site.

Link to the actual site

Grabbing the table from the site

  1. Capture the web page:
url_for_walmart_closings <- "http://news.walmart.com/news-archive/2016/01/15/walmart-continues-sharpened-focus-on-portfolio-management"
web_page <- xml2::read_html(url_for_walmart_closings)
  1. Parse the HTML table
## Loading required package: xml2
Raw_data <- 
  web_page %>%
  html_node("table") %>%
  1. Take the 4-column layout to two columns.
Left <- 
  Raw_data %>%
names(Left) <- c("one", "two")

Right <- Raw_data %>%
names(Right) <- names(Left)

Both <- rbind(Left, Right)
  1. Figure out which rows correspond to the store type
Store_types <- 
  Both %>%
  mutate(index = row_number()) %>%
  filter(grepl("Date closed", two)) %>%
  mutate(until = lead(index, 1) - 1) %>%
  mutate(until = ifelse(is.na(until), nrow(Both), until))
# How to do this in dplyr?
store_type <- character(nrow(Both))
for (k in 1:nrow(Store_types)) {
  store_type[Store_types$index[k]:Store_types$until[k] ] <- Store_types$one[k]
Both$type <- store_type
Cleaned <- 
  Both %>%
  filter(grepl("^#", one)) %>%
  mutate(date = lubridate::mdy(two)) %>%
  mutate(store_number = stringr::str_extract(one, "[0-9]{3,6}")) %>%
  mutate(location = gsub("^#[0-9]{3,6}[:,]?", "", one)) %>%
  mutate(state = stringr::str_extract(location, "[A-Z]{2}$")) %>%
  mutate(city = gsub("^[^,]+,", "", location)) %>%
  select(-one, -two)
  1. Geocode the stores and add info for popups and colors
# lat_long <- geocode(Cleaned$location)
# save(lat_long, file = "Geocoded_stores.rda")
Cleaned <- cbind(Cleaned, lat_long) 
Marker_colors <- 
  Store_types %>%
  mutate(color = rainbow(nrow(.))) %>%
  select(type = one, color)
For_map <- 
  Cleaned %>%
  left_join(Marker_colors) %>%
  mutate(popups = paste0(
  "Date closed: ",
## Joining, by = "type"
  1. Draw the map
map <- 
  leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  setView(lng = -90, lat = 40, zoom = 5)
map %>%
  addCircleMarkers(lng = Cleaned$lon, lat = Cleaned$lat, popup = Cleaned$popups,
                   fillColor = Cleaned$color)