Case study in basic data verbs: Moby Dick

Prolog: Scraping and arranging the data

A text file of the book is available at At that page is a link to a UTF-8 encoded text document named "pg2701.txt". I downloaded the file and stored it on my machine as pg2701.txt. I can read that using readLines().

Moby <- readLines("pg2701.txt")

You could also read the file directly from Project Gutenberg

con <- file("")
Moby <- readLines(con)

The result, stored in the Moby object, is a character vector of 22108 strings. Some of these are prefatory matter, some postscript.

The text itself begins after a line


and ends before a line


Using these as delimiters includes some transcriber’s notes, etc. For simplicity, I’ll take as the start the line

start_text <- "CHAPTER 1\\."

The last line is simply “orphan.” ending line

end_text <- "^orphan\\.$"

Why the funny spelling? The start_text and end_text are being specified as a “regex” (sometimes called regular expression) indicating that the word “orphan” is at the very beginning of the line, followed by a period and the end of the line.

Regexes are a way of describing patterns. For our purposes, we’ll use them to identify the first and last line of Melville’s work in the Project Gutenberg text. As it happens, there are two instances of “CHAPTER 1.” in Moby Dick. The second is a book within the book. We want to start with the early instance.

first_line <- min(grep(start_text, Moby))
last_line <- grep(end_text, Moby)
Moby <- Moby[first_line : last_line]

We want to break the strings up into individual words. We’ll do this “by hand” because I want to render the text as a simple set of words and punctuation. Steps:

  1. Change punctuation so that it is an isolated character.
  2. Split up each line by spaces into words.
  3. Convert to lower case (because I’m not interested in capitalization).
tmp <- Moby
characters <- unlist(strsplit(tolower(Moby), split = NULL))

# Step 1
punctuation <- c(".", ",", ";", ":", "?", "!", '"', 
                "'", "&", "-", "(", ")", "[", "]")
for (symbol in punctuation) {
  result <- paste0(" ", symbol, " ")
  tmp <- gsub(symbol, result, tmp, fixed=TRUE )
# Step 2
Words <- unlist(strsplit(tmp, split = " "))
# Step 3
Words <- data.frame(word = tolower(Words),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Get rid of empty strings
# Words <- 
#  Words %>%
#  filter(word != "")

What are the character frequencies in the book?

table(characters) %>% 
  data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
  arrange(desc(Freq)) %>%
  mutate(cumulative = 100*cumsum(Freq) / sum(Freq)) %>%

Most common words

Popular <-
  Words %>%
  group_by(word) %>%
  tally() %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%
  mutate(relfreq = 100 * cumsum(n) / sum(n))
DT::datatable(head(Popular, 1000))

Most common sequences

Sequences <-
  Words %>% 
  filter(grepl("[a-zA-Z]", word)) %>%
  mutate(two = lead(word, 1), three = lead(two, 1),
         four = lead(three, 1))

CommonPairs <-
  Sequences %>%
  group_by(word, two) %>%
  tally() %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%
  mutate(relfreq = 100 * cumsum(n) / sum(n))
DT::datatable(head(CommonPairs, 1000))

Popular triplets

Triplets <-
  Sequences %>%
  group_by(word, two, three) %>%
  tally() %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%
  mutate(relfreq = 100 * cumsum(n) / sum(n))
DT::datatable(head(Triplets, 1000))