Do this work in an Rmd file named Week-5-Warmup-XXX.Rmd.1 Rather than typing commands at the console, type them into a chunk and run that chunk in the console. (If you’re not sure what this means, ask! There is a keyboard shortcut that makes it easy.) When the chunk does what you want, compile the Rmd document to HTML. Then move on to the next task and repeat the cycle: compose, get it working, compile to HTML.

You will use four data tables in this exercise:

  1. ZipGeography in the DCF package.
  2. Restaurants which you must load into R.
  3. Cuisines …………. ditto …
  4. ViolationCodes ………ditto …

Read in (2), (3), and (4) with these commands:

load( url( "" ) ) 
load( url( "" ) )
load( url( "" ) )

Do this now, before reading on. It will take about 2 minutes for the last one. Then, while you’re waiting, read the rest of this activity. You’ll know it’s working if Restaurants, Cuisines, ViolationCodes show up in your account.

How’s the Food?

Government agencies have increasingly been putting data in publicly accessible places. For example, in India, the website tracks the attendance at work of government employees.2

New York City publishes many datasets, including health inspections of restaurants. That’s what you’re going to work on now.

The data table Restaurants contains information about each health violation. (See the introduction for how to access the data table.) Note that the DBA variable contains the name of the restaurant.3

The data table ViolationCodes contains a description of the different types of violations and whether they are critical. Cuisines gives the meaning for the CUISINECODE variable.

The data table Cuisines details the code for each restaurant’s cuisine type.

You can create a table where the case is “an individual restaurant branch” with this statement:

RR <- Restaurants %>% 
  group_by( PHONE ) %>% 
  filter( row_number(PHONE)==1 )

Get the latitude and longitude of each zip code from ZipGeography. Plot out the location of each restaurant, using the borough for color. Use the aesthetic

position=position_jitter( width=0.02, height=0.02 )

to spread out the restaurants a bit. Play with alpha= to get a nice graphic. Which borough corresponds to each borough number?

  1. XXX should be replaced by your personal ID, e.g. your initials.

  2. See this New York Times article.

  3. The data tables are published by the New York City government as a zip file at