Introduction/Advance Topics in Social Network Analysis
Louis Lei Yu
June 12, 2013
Intro Course

- Interpreting data of online social neworks
- Basic concept of social network analysis in a online network setting
- Example: Homophily
- A town’s middle school and high school, two such divisions in the network are apparent: one based on race (with students of different races drawn as differently colored circles), and the other based on friendships in the middle and high schools respectively
Intepreting Online Social Network Data: Homophily

- Quantifying the effects of triadic closure in an e-mail dataset. The curve determined from the data is shown in the solid black line.
- Quantifying the effects of focal closure in an e-mail dataset. The
curve determined from the data is shown in the solid black line, while the dotted curve provides a comparison to a simple baseline.
Intepreting Online Social Network Data (Advance Course)

- A list of trending topics during observation period.
- Ranked by percentage of spam.
- Number of periods topics stayed in trend and the placing of topics.
- Question: is the possibility of a topic being manipulated by Spam related to its ranking/longevity.
Intepreting Online Social Network Data

- Spam Incidence for Topics by Average Rank.
- Spam Incidence for Topics by the Average Longevity of Topics.
Intepreting Online Social Network Data
Intepreting Online Social Network Data

- xyplot(Periods ~Incidence, data=Spam_Incidence)
Intepreting Online Social Network Data

- xyplot(Incidence ~Periods, data=Spam_Incidence)